Part 18: The Order in the Chaos
Update 17 - The Order in the Chaos
So we arrived in the spirit world, but Miriam didn't seem to either make it in, or spawn near us. Maybe we'll find her along the way to the Overseer's castle.

MUSIC: Orderscape

Welcome to the land of Order, the Orderscape, the grindy gear place. Whatever you want to call it, this is my favorite of the spirit worlds.

Immediately, we are thrust straight into the guts of a factory that we need to platform and solve our way through if we want to make it to the Overseer. Timing is absolutely key for getting through this, though a mistimed jump won't set you far back, as there is still no real penalty for failure.

The buzzsaws act as the pits from previous dungeons - touch one and you don't get dizzy. You'll have to restart the jumps from our current position.

Once we jump across a few platforms, we come across moving platforms that need to be jumped across quickly, lest we fall victim to the buzzsaws.

After making it across, we enter the next room and find more gears... but a clocklike contraption in the middle of the platform. This device is the major gimmick of this area, and I love it to death.
The clock is currently orange, and also moving forward, or clock-wise. So what happens if we were to sing backwards by spinning on the radial wheel, backwards?

MUSIC: Orderscape Reverse

The entire area is now in reverse! Everything will now be moving the opposite direction than if time were moving forward. Maybe I'm just a sucker for time mechanics in games, but I just love this entire act's use of time for its story and puzzles.
With time moving backwards, we can now solve this room and head to the next one.

The right gear is moving in a way that is impossible for us to transverse... unless it were to move in the other direction. So we'll need to find another clock and change the flow of time then make it back here to get past.

These two buzzsaws are coming down from the top at a consistent rate. We've got just long enough in between their movements to make it to the other side, then do it again until we reach the top.

Once we do that, we are now in a hallway of moving platforms, similar to a previous area. There's no buzzsaws this time though, so it's just a matter of perseverance to get through them.

At the end of the hallway, it seems like a dead end...

...but there's actually an opening in between two buzzsaws. Getting through is just a matter of timing the jump correctly.

If you're quick, you can jump two platforms in one go of the buzzsaws, but there is no rush, so it's only if you want bragging rights to all those hardcore Wandersong players I guess.

Finally! We found another clock. We rest the flow of time back to normal, and now begin the trek back to the bottom. It's backtracking, but since you're doing it in reverse, it doesn't feel like unneeded padding. The puzzle timing is different for each thing now, so it doesn't come off as a chore.

MUSIC: Orderscape

Voila! The trek backwards... er, forwards... has been made.

Upon entering the next area, we immediately find a clock. Which means... we're going to be using clocks a lot for this part. First off, we need to turn this one backwards.

At this point, we will have to move time forwards again, then quickly jump on the next gear.

Since the buzzsaws are on both sides of these gears, clocks won't do us any good here. As you can see on the right side gear, there's a deep hole in between the slots. We can hide there to make it past the saws then hope there's a clock on the other side to change time and move on from there.

Despite the clock here, we don't want to move time backwards or we won't be able to progress. I assume it's there in case you made it through the previous puzzle going backwards. Since we are already going forwards, let's go up!

Another puzzle, platformed through. As with most puzzles in the game, they aren't really challenging and the platforming won't make you frustrated, but they are fun and provide a nice chill experience, despite the fact that Bard is regularly eating shit on some of those jumps.

This should be familiar to anyone who's played a platformer. Ceiling is coming down, don't be standing under the ceiling when it does. It goes in a pattern of the one and then the other. So simply wait till after it goes down, then run across to the other one.

This platform is constantly moving downwards... into the saws. As with everything else in this place, timing your jumps is key! As with coffee before it, time is slowly becoming less of a word and more of a guttural noise to me.

Same as before, go under just after it falls down to make it to the other side without getting hit.

When we arrive at the next set of falling saws, there's a clock waiting for us. It's essentially impossible to make it through this when time is backwards, but making it go forwards makes the puzzle the exact same as before. Somewhat not needed, but it works.

This platform is rising and falling just like the one previously. However, this one goes on for quite a ways. You can't simply wait it out. We have to jump on the platform, then jump off it when it falls and land back on it when it comes back up.

After that ordeal is over, there's a platform that rises, but only to the halfway point of the platform next to it. We are unable to reach the higher platform at its current speed. Hence the clock. Eagle eyed viewers may have noticed a second white arrow on the clocks during the ceiling saws bit, and that same white arrow on this clock. What does it mean?

Double time baby! The entire factory is now moving at twice the speed than normal. With this fast movement, the platform will easily provide enough momentum when it rises to send us to the higher platform.

With the factory at double time, these saws coming down are incredibly deadly for us. Still, the pattern is quite clear and we should be able to make it across so long as we... ~time~ it correctly.

At the halfway point is a clock, that will let us reset the flow of time to normal so we can make it past the next bit. Which is essentially the same as the previous runs through the saws.

Here's something really cool. This next saw? It's coming down constantly. It literally cannot be passed, no matter how fast or slow we manipulate time. So how do we get past it?

By stopping time, of course. You have to hold down the button, because if you let go, the clock will function like normal. However, so long as you hold down the mouse button in the direction you're pointing - time will stop. You also have to be in range of a clock, so you can't just stop time forever.

The pattern for these are different. The first two go, then the last three go. We simply do not have enough time to make it to the end before it crushes us. Good thing we don't have to make it that far, then.

Here's Bard being smug about controlling the flow of time with his song. We get it Bard, you're cool.

For the final area of the Land of Order, we are given moving platforms to ride that come with their built in time-clock. Though you will need them for some minor puzzle solving, I used it more as a bailout in case of screw-ups.

Like this, for example.

A platform that doesn't go high enough right next to a clock capable of going double time?? I believe we've seen that puzzle before!!

There isn't much to say at this point that hasn't already been said. This entire platforming/puzzle section goes by really quick in game, but can seem like it's dragging on in LP format.

We reach the end of the line, and to send us off, we've got a platform that's gonna launch us there. First we need to just prime the platform correctly...

Then just hop on!

We've... arrived? We're at the gate of the Order Cathedral and it seems to still be locked, the factory has also shut down. There is a clock on the door, maybe we should try moving this clock forward as well...

MUSIC: Order Castle Reveal

Nice place the Order Overseer has here. Time to infiltrate it!

Every. Dang. Time. With these damn hallways!

VIDEO: Queen Order
(video will cover the rest of the update if you'd prefer that)

Ah the Order Fairy. Let's see if the Order Overseer is in.

Uh... well I guess getting the Earthsong counts as business? I mean, that's part of her job description, right?

That is a good question. Where is Miriam? We came in at the same time, she should have made it here by now. Maybe she's ahead of us? Let's ask the fairy.

Oh no. If she comes barging in at the last minute and has to set up an appointment too, she will be furious. Let's go ahead and set up one for both of us, just to be safe.

I'm a sweet tea guy. So I like it with some sugar, unless its a flavored tea or a green tea. Though cream with some teas is also really good!

MUSIC: Please Hold

Alright, this song seems kinda alright. Let's sing while we wait.

MUSIC: Silence

MUSIC: Please Hold

He means that, by the way. If you sing at any point in the song, you have to start the waiting period over again. There will be no singing when Order Fairy is on the watch. So I guess we just have to wait...

You better have waited the entire time. No trying to cut in line! Also, fun fact! Please hold is exactly 69 seconds long! That's why the fairy says "Nice!" at the end of it.

MUSIC: Out of Order

The Dream King?? What's he doing here? Didn't he have to wake up to leave his throne? Why would he do that?

The Overseer turning into a shadow scenes remain cool no matter how many times I see it. Also, it looks like the human overseer turns into a crash test dummy when she transforms into the shadow version.

MUSIC: Lightning Strike killing all life in the galaxy. Did we take a wrong turn at the andromeda galaxy and wind up in the Mass Effect Universe??

MUSIC: Miriam Appears

You... literally showed up in the nick of time here Miriam.

SFX: Miriam Angry

MUSIC: She's Mine!!!

Audrey and Miriam are now duking it out! Miriam finally gets to use some of her magic powers and it's really cool to see! Sadly, we can't do anything but watch and if we try to get involved...

It's still cool to watch it play out... but that's not why we're here. Miriam is keeping the hero distracted, we've got a chance to go talk to the Dream King and try to convince him to give us another piece of the Earthsong.

...He's got a point. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like breathing because it takes too much effort.

MUSIC: Out of Order

God what a PRICK that guy is. Though uh, the whole giving up the pure part of your self does... start to make sense why the Overseers aren't really inclined to give it up. Especially since... we saw what happened to the Queen of Winds. Anyway, the Dream King is gone. Let's go check on Miriam and see how she did.

With the cutscenes all over, The land of Order has died off. We're now in some...dimensional space as we were with Queen Chaos.

As we walk around, there's a percussion sound playing for each step we make. As well as a little ripple on the floor.

As we reach the crown, there's no other signs or tells of what we need to do... so let's jump!

Doing so reveals this bar of empty and full circles. Solving this is pretty easy compared to Queen Chaos' wavelengths. Just jump when the beat hits the full circles.

The pattern will change each time, but it's still just jump to the beat. So how does it get harder?

The orb starts to cover up the bar. The orb rotates, so you can get partial vision at times. But there is at least one filled circle that needs to be jumped hiding underneath. So we have to be careful, though mistiming or missing a beat just means you have to redo it.

So ends act 4...